Monday, August 15, 2011

Assumption Day

This is Assumption Day, a national holiday in the most Catholic of Catholic countries, Italy. It was proclaimed a national holiday by Pope Pius XVII in 1950 to celebrate the day the Virgin Mary ascended into heaven body and soul. In case anyone should argue about it he also declared it "infallible dogma"...

We awoke to heavy rain on the tent this morning so we slept in listening to the pitter patter and wondering how we were going to make our exit in any semblance of a dry way. The rain wouldn't let up so we just went for it. I thought I had told myself a long time ago I was not going to camp in the rain anymore but I guess it's just not true. As I write this around 4 pm (7 am back home) the sun has come out and we have things spread out to dry. The forecast for the next few days is sun! This has been a relaxing easy day and we really needed a rest day. Over the last few days we have hiked over 30 miles with thousands of vertical feet up and down. Tomorrow we are going to drive to another region of the Dolomites and hike to the spot Ötzi was found, right on the Austrian/Italian border, if all goes well.

Even though we are in Italy and Italian is the predominant language, most people speak German and the architecture is Tyrolean. Pizza and bratwurst are served side by side and we have enjoyed both.

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