Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mother and Child

As we tour a museum of art from the 5th-17th centuries we are struck by the worship of Madonna and Child...these paintings and frescoes were commissioned by the wealthy and powerful for the benefit of all beneath them in worship and respect for the Madonna and her baby Jesus. But shouldn't, and isn't, every Mother and Child union be just as magical as the one that changed the world so drastically 2000 years ago? Isn't every birth a miracle? Isn't every child a child of God? Is not every mother Madonna? Isn't every newborn child worthy of worship?

Verona was a bastion of civilization during the middle ages, even though it was ruled by maniacal despots at one time or another. Inside the walls of Verona was safety from a brutal, uncivilized world outside. The V shape you see in the fortifications were to protect archers as they rained down a hail of arrows on those not welcome inside the gates. The museum held the other weapons of defense and offense too. Swords and lances which I'm sure have inflicted more than enough misery and pain stand shining in museum cases as a permanent testament to man' inhumanity to man. Speaking of which, we visited the Roman's 3rd largest coliseum here in Verona today. One of the special feelings that come with travel is placing one's feet on the very place or stone which you know has seen the feet of civilizations for 2000 years. This same coliseum has seen Gladiators fight wild beasts, mid-evil executions, army parades, operas and rock concerts.

It is still oppressively hot here in Verona but our campsite is shady and cool. The great European holiday will lessen starting on Monday and that is when we will visit Cinque Terre, if all goes well. Tomorrows plan is simply to get in the car, turn on the AC and iPod, head south and stay in a comfortable hotel. Tomorrow is our anniversary and those goals are good enough....

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