Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dijon T & B Style

Wouldn't you know it, the digital gremlins came out in force last night...We were out all day and did not get back to the hotel until around 10pm. We tried to check email, could not, tried to check voicemail, could not, tried to get valuables out of room safe, could not. Short story... finally got online, finally got safe opened, and with help from tech support in NY got voicemail up and running. Unfortunately we did not get to bed until after 1 am. We woke up early this morning, picked up the car and made it to Dijon, home of the Dukes of Burgundy. This campground is nice, but we need some camping equipment like chairs and fuel, so the plan is to walk old Dijon (no vehicles in old city) and then head down to Lausanne and prep for Alps camping there.

The drive was beautiful. No billboards or overt signs of commercialism and rest areas every few km. Occasional glimpses of Roman structures made us think about how things were 1500 years ago at this very place and the amount and kind of history that has happened on the very soil we stand upon.

Since we have no stove fuel or chairs we are headed to the campground restaurant for dinner and wi-fi to send this update. If all goes well the next time we send a campground photo you will see a stove and chairs!

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